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Year 4 English



Autumn Term

In the autumn term Year 4 children will:

  • have a reading age of 9 years

  • read new words by looking for root words, prefixes and suffixes

  • use a dictionary to check the meaning of words we meeting in our reading

  • retrieve and record information from fiction texts

  • summarise the main ideas from more than one paragraph

  • ask and answer questions about the text we are reading

Spring Term

In the spring term Year 4 children will:

  • have a reading age of 9 years and 5 months

  • use spelling knowledge to help decode new words

  • explain the meaning of words in context

  • retrieve and record information from non-fiction texts

  • discuss what we know about a character's thoughts and feelings from their actions

  • make predictions about what might happen next based on the evidence in the text

  • identify and discuss words which make the reader interested

Summer Term

In the summer term Year 4 children will:

  • have a reading age of 9 years and 10 months

  • retrieve and record information from poetry

  • use evidence from the texts to support our opinions about a character's thoughts and feelings

  • Identify and discuss phrases which make the reader interested

  • Discuss how the organisation of texts contributes to meaning



Autumn Term

In the Autumn Term Year 4 children learn:

  • write using a legible and joined style

  • create a plan which supports the structure of an independent piece of writing

  • create direct speech which is correctly punctuated internally

  • embellish simple sentences to describe settings

  • create a sentence of three for action

  • create a more complex sentence through the use of 'ing' staters

  • create compound sentences and complex sentences using basic subordinating conjunctions within a text

  • develop writing through use of a viewpoint

  • use comparative and superlative adjectives to create noun phrases

  • create a more complex sentence through the use of 'ed' starters

  • extend noun phrases with the use of prepositions

  • organise paragraph through the use of correctly punctuated simple adverbials

  • include devices which draw the reader in

  • proof read writing for spelling and punctuation errors linked to the Autumn Term curriculum

  • evaluate and edit work by assessing the effectiveness of own writing

Spring Term

In the Spring Term Year 4 children learn:

  • use a range of present tense forms to develop shades of meaning

  • choose vocabulary which consideration for the audience

  • use direct speech to show character

  • choose vocabulary which signals fact or opinion

  • choose modal verbs - should, would, could, to develop shades of meaning

  • follow topic sentences by including the appropriate choice of pronoun or noun to aid cohesion in subsequent sentences

  • evaluate and edit effectiveness of own and others writing and suggests improvements

  • use a range of past tense forms to develop shade of meaning

  • use a range of prepositional phrases to express time. cause and place

  • use direct speech to move the action forward

  • choose short or long sentences to create an effect

  • create a range of adverb and adverbial starters for time and manner and punctuates them correctly

  • use brackets for parenthesis in non-fiction writing

  • proof read writing for spelling and punctuation errors linked to the Spring Term curriculum

  • evaluate and edit work by making changes to vocabulary and grammar linked to the Spring Curriculum

Summer Term

In the Summer Term Year 4 children learn:

  • drop 'ing' clauses into sentences

  • describe character, setting or action by creating simile starters which are punctuated correctly

  • make paragraph changes due to person, time, place and topic

  • repeat vocabulary to create effect

  • embellish simple sentences with adjectives, adverbs and prepositional phrases

  • use wide range of tense forms to develop shades of meaning

  • use a variety of adverbial starters to link between paragraphs

  • proof read writing for spelling and punctuation errors linked to the Year 4 curriculum

  • evaluate and edit work by making changes to grammar and vocabulary linked to Year 4 curriculum

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling


Autumn Term

In the Autumn Term Year 4 children will:

  • to write from memory simple sentences, dictated by teacher, which include the spelling and punctuation taught so far

  • to use the first 3/4 letters of a word to check its spellings in a dictionary

  • to spell words ending in -'sure' or -'ture'; to recognise where sound is made by a root word which ends in a 'ch' with an 'er' ending

  • to spell words which end in a 'g' spelt -'gue' and 'k' spelt -'que'

  • to choose the correct spelling for given homophones depending on context

  • to identify a proper noun in a sentence and to select words which should be proper nouns

  • to identify a noun phrase in a sentence; to use modifying adjectives, nouns and prepositional phrase to create non phrases

  • to understand what pronouns are; to identify pronouns in a sentence

  • to identify prepositions and adverbs and their purpose 

  • to spell words where the 'long a' sound is made using -'ey' -'ei' and -'eigh' and to recognise which is the most likely for an unfamiliar word

  • to understand the meaning of the prefixes -'il', -'im', -'in', -'ir' nd to select the correct prefix according to the initial letter of the root word

  • to add suffixes beginning with vowel to words of more than one syllable

  • to spell the Autumn Term list of 'Words We Need To Know'

  • to identify and write the four sentence types and to punctuate them correctly

  • to identify where commas are used to make fronted adverbials; to add a comma to mark a fronted adverbial into a give sentence

  • to punctuate direct speech correctly

  • to identify verbs in the past tense and to recognise how different past tense forms are formed

  • to understand what makes a clause; to identify subordinating conjunctions and to identify a subordinate clause in a sentence 

Spring Term

  • to write from memory simple sentences, dictated by teacher, which include the spelling and punctuation taught so far

  • to add the suffix -'ation' to verbs to form nouns, changing the spelling of the root word if necessary

  • to spell words which contain a 'g' followed by a silent 'u'

  • to place the apostrophe correctly after both regular and irregular plural forms (distinct from plural 's')

  • to understand what a possessive apostrophe is; to add apostrophe to mark both singular and plural possession

  • to identify where an apostrophe is used for  contraction and can expand the contraction out; to write contractions from given words

  • to identify determiners and their purpose

  • to understand what modal verbs are and identify them in a sentence


  • to understand the meaning of the prefixes 'sub-' 'inter-' 'super-' 'anti-' and 'auto-'; to spell words which use these prefixes

  • to spell word which sound like 'shun' with endings '-tion', '-sion' '-ssion', '-cian; to recognise which is the most appropriate ending for unfamiliar words

  • to spell the Spring Term list of Words We Need To Know

  • to identify imperative verb form; to use a imperative verb to change a statement into a command

  • to use commas accurately to mark clauses at the beginning of a sentence

Summer Term

  • to write from memory simple sentences, dictated by teacher, which include the spelling and punctuation taught so far

  • to spell  words with a 's' sound spelt 'sc'

  • to choose the correct spelling for given homophones depending on context

  • to identify where nouns are singular or plural; to recognise irregular plural forms

  • to identify where pronouns have used to avoid repetition or ambiguity

  • to identify where Standard english is used for verb inflictions

  • to use Standard English for verb inflictions

  • to identify synonyms for simple adjectives

  • to spell words using the suffix '-ous' and understand how it changes the function of a word

  • to spell words which contain the prefixes: '-'un' 'dis-' 're-' and understands how they change the meaning of the word

  • to change nouns to adverbs by adding the '-ly' suffix and to understand that the spelling of the root word might change

  • to spell the entire list of Year 4 'Words We Need To Know'

  • to identify simple, progressive and perfect present/ past tense in sentences

  • to punctuate direct speech accurately

  • to identify relative pronouns and the relative clause in a sentence

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