Hamstel Junior School
Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ - 01702 468048
Excellence in Everything
Year 4
Over the year, the children will be taught a broad and balanced curriculum which provides a range of opportunities to support and extend their learning.
More information about the curriculum at Hamstel Junior School can be found under ‘Curriculum’.
Meet the team
4H- Year group leader
Miss Hall
Miss Bath
Miss Dobson
Miss Davis
Miss Dimoglou Tohill
Children should have their library books in school every day.
Monday - 4D
Tuesday - 4B
Thursday - 4H
Friday - 4M and 4Da
Please note these days are subject to change and children should always have their PE kit in school.
Monday - 4Da, 4H
Tuesday - 4M
Wednesday - 4D, 4B
Thursday - 4D, 4Da, 4H, 4M
Friday - 4B

Key Dates 2024-2025

* Dates may be liable to change, please use as a guide.
Homework expectations for each week
Year 4
Reading - daily reading for approx. 15 minutes
Spelling - weekly spelling task - searching the books read at home for words matching the weekly spelling pattern/ learning the list of 'Words We Need to Know'
Maths - daily practice of the key skills (KIRFs) as outlined for each half term.
TT Rock Stars - Practising your tables regularly will really help you learn them and speed up your recall. Using TT Rock Stars will help you. Aim to practise your tables every day.