Hamstel Junior School
Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ - 01702 468048
Excellence in Everything
Year 3
Over the year, the children will be taught a broad and balanced curriculum which provides a range of opportunities to support and extend their learning.
More information about the curriculum at Hamstel Junior School can be found under ‘Curriculum’.
Meet the team
3R Year Group Leader
Mrs Reeves
Ms Lothian
Mr Hodges/Miss Webster
Ms Lothian
Miss Phillips
Children should have their library books in school every day.
Wednesday - 3H and 3HW
Thursday - 3L and 3R
Friday - 3P
Please note these days are subject to change and children should always have their PE kit in school.
Monday - 3HW and 3L
Tuesday - 3L
Wednesday - 3R
Thursday - 3H, 3HW and 3P
Friday - 3H, 3P and 3R

Key Dates 2024-2025

* Dates may be liable to change, please use as a guide.
Year 3 Curriculum Overview
Homework expectations for each week
Year 3
Reading - daily reading for approx. 15 minutes
Spelling - weekly spelling task - searching the books read at home for words matching the weekly spelling pattern/ learning the list of 'Words We Need to Know'
Maths - daily practice of the key skills (KIRFs) as outlined for each half term.
TT Rock Stars - Practising your tables regularly will really help you learn them and speed up your recall. Using TT Rock Stars will help you. Aim to practise your tables every day.