Hamstel Junior School
Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ - 01702 468048
Excellence in Everything
By accepting a place at Hamstel Junior School, parents are agreeing to support their child in the wearing of correct uniform. This creates a calm environment in which children feel organised and prepared to learn. There are occasional non-uniform days throughout the year, usually linked to fund-raising for specific causes. If children arrive at school without the correct uniform, the school may supply them with it for the duration of the day, and you may be contacted.
Our Uniform
Black or grey trousers/skirt
White polo shirt
Maroon cardigan, jumper or sweatshirt
Flat-heeled black shoes or plain black trainers - no sandals
Combined skirt/trousers and leggings are not permitted
As winter or:
Black or grey uniform shorts (to the knee)
A pink (or red) and white gingham dress
White socks
All school uniform is readily available from Crawlers in Hamstel Road and online from Brand Identity Schoolwear at reasonable prices.
Craft Activities
An apron to protect clothes during craft activities should be provided and kept in school - an old adult shirt worn backwards and the sleeves cut to an appropriate length is perfectly adequate. Please ensure there is a secure button in the top neck position.
P.E, Games and Swimming
All children are expected to change fully into the correct clothing for P.E., games and swimming.
For PE and Games
Each pupil will require a pair of plimsolls or trainers, a plain yellow T-shirt and maroon shorts.
Yellow T-shirts and maroon shorts are on sale at Crawlers.
Outdoor Games in Winter
It is advisable to provide either a tracksuit or a jumper. Children may wear jogging/tracksuit bottoms or leggings. Please note, children should not wear tights for PE so may also need a spare pair of socks.
For Swimming
All children will require a costume, towel and swimming hat in a waterproof bag.
Hats are available from the school office at a cost.
Large trainer boots for PE or games, cycling or Bermuda shorts for either P. E. or swimming.
P.E. and swimming are part of the National Curriculum and all children participate in these subjects unless we receive a letter from their parents excusing them.
Jewellery and Earrings
Bracelets and necklaces should not be worn but children may wear a watch. In the interests of health and safety we ask that children with pierced ears wear small studs and that ALL earrings MUST be removed for PE, games and swimming lessons.
Children should not wear large bows or have designs shaved into their hair.
In addition, children should not have dyed hair.
Please make sure that ALL items of clothing and personal belongings are clearly marked/ labelled with the child’s name.