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PSHE - Personal, Social, Health and Economic

PHSE at Hamstel Junior School:

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. It helps children and young people to stay healthy and safe, while preparing them to make the most of life and work. PSHE education also helps pupils to achieve their academic potential.


Most of PSHE education became statutory for all schools from September 2020 under the Children and Social Work Act 2017.  This now includes Relationships Education (including Sex Education for our older children) and Health Education.

At Hamstel Junior School, our aim is to offer our children a wealth of perspectives about the world we live in. We encourage them to believe that they have an element of control over at least some of the situations they encounter. We want our children to enjoy and be sure of their place in the world. By the time they leave us, we hope for them to have high expectations and the knowledge – and confidence - to make the right choices for themselves in order to live a happy and healthy life.

Year 3


In Year 3 children will learn:

  • to understand the importance of determination and perseverance

  • to recognise how to maintain positive and healthy relationships and how to keep themselves safe

  • to recognise conflicting emotions and how to listen to or overcome these  

  • what positively and negatively affects their physical, mental and emotional health and how to make informed choices to live a 'balanced lifestyle'

  • to be aware of life changes, personal space and how to be safe online

Year 4

In Year 4 children will learn:

  • to understand that failure is a part of the learning process

  • to realise the consequences of bullying and discrimination

  • to recognise and mange risks

  • to understand health and safety, basic first aid procedures and where and how to get help

  • how to make informed choices about responsibilities to others and responsibilities to look after their own mental and physical health

  • to be aware of changes as people grow up, how to stay safe and be aware of gender stereotypes


Year 5


In Year 5 children will learn:


  • to understand that challenge is positive

  • to listen to and respond respectfully to others and work collaboratively with a wide range of people

  • to understand the role money plays in life

  • to be able to identify and reflect on emotions and distinguish between big and small emotions using appropriate language

  • about how medicines, common substances and drugs (including alcohol, tobacco and 'energy drinks') can damage their immediate and future health and safety

  • to name female and male body parts, understand puberty, periods and wet dreams and understand how to be assertive

Year 6


In Year 6 children will learn:

  • to set achievable personal goals and successfully reflect on these and set 'next steps'

  • to understand why and how laws are rules and laws are made and the importance of human rights

  • to be critical of what they see and read in the media and understand that pressure can come with a variety of sources

  • to explain the various aspects of mental health and how to look after their mental health

  • how to solve a problem and how to negotiate and persuade when problems solving with others

  • how babies are made (including assisted fertility)

  • to understand multiple births, peer pressure and know about sexual orientation, discrimination and equal opportunities

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